1 Entry For Signup

Each user gets 1 giveaway entry for signing up on Scuphed

20 Entries For Your First Listing

Your first listing will earn you 20 giveaway entries

head over to the dashboard, make sure you are connected to payPal, Go To The Listings Tab, and Hit “create listing”

(if your listing is taken down for not meeting our standards your entries wil be revoked until it is remedied)

1 Entry For Signing In Once A Month

Each user gets 1 giveaway entry for signing in once a month (Every 30 Days)

1 Entry For Checking Out Our Socials

These accounts are where we do live giveaways, announce winners, run entry promotions, etc

Follow us on any platforms you use then Login and click the button below to earn an entry!

psst, you obviously don’t actually have to follow us to earn the entry, but we hope you choose to anyway to help support us 🙂